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There is a Japanese proverb that says we have three faces . . .

The first we show to the world.

The second we show to our close friends and family.

The third face we never show anyone. It is the truest reflection of who we are.

So there lies our confusion . . . .

To quote a line from the movie Primal Fear, "No one can.... for any period of time... show one face to the world and keep one face to themselves without finally getting confused as to which one is REAL."

These statements are the exact reason Wild Heart Adventures was born. To help us "rewild" ourselves. "Rewilding" is the act of untethering ourselves from expectations, (ours and others), of who we should be, what we should do, how we should do it and when. There is something essential to wildness - surrender. Wild is not so much an unruly ramping up as it is a gentle surrender into our truest self. We don't let ourselves GO, we let ourselves BE. Wildness is not a departure from sanity but a return to it. Sometimes wildness expresses itself like two tons of flying horses kicking up dust, sometimes it is still and calm as a high mountain lake.

~Kelly Wendorf

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